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Fayol’s 14 Management Principles

Management is the process of using organizational resources to achieve the organizational goals. The term management can be used in different ways, for example: as a discipline, as a group of people and as a process.
There are many scientists who tried to define the management principles. Henri Fayol is among them and he created the Fayol’s 14 Management Principles.
Here in this article, we are going to give you a hint about them.

The first principle is the Division of Work: This can be achieved by dividing the work according to the specialties, and this would increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the work done.

Second Principle is the Authority or Responsibility: which means that there should be a leader or a manager to give the orders to the team, and he is also responsible for whatever arises as authority and responsibility go hand in hand.

Third Principle is Discipline: in other words, the employees should obey the rules of the organization.

Fourth Principle is Unity of Command: where every subordinate should receive orders from only one superior.

Fifth Principle is Unity of Direction: in which every organizational activity should have the same goal guided by a manager using one plan.

Sixth Principle is Subordination of individual interests to general interest: as the interest of the organization comes above individual interest.

Seventh Principle is Remuneration: where every subordinate should be fairly compensated.

Eighth Principle is Centralization/ decentralization: the organization must adopt these methods in the proper way to its initial plan.

Ninth Principle is Scalar Chain: The line of authority from the top management to the lower ones should follow this chain and formal communication should follow this line as well.

Tenth principle is Order: People and materials should be available at the suitable time and place.

Eleventh Principle is Equity: Managers should be fair to their employees.

Twelfth Principle is Stability of Tenure: High employee turnover is a negative aspect within organizations. So an adequate plan to ensure the timely replacements within the organization is necessary.

Thirteenth Principle is Initiative: allowing the subordinates to create and implement plans.

And the fourteenth Principle is Esprit de Corps: building teamwork and the spirit within the organization.

Many managers and leaders implement those 14 principles in managing their organizations, and the results are astonishing. How about you? How do you manage your organization? Share it with us in the comments below!

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